March 10, 2020-9:00 AM

A.Call to Order and Roll Call
B.Pledge of Allegiance
C.Approval of Minutes
1.Approval of School Board Meeting Minutes of February 20, 2020
D.Oral Written Communications
E.Recognitions/ Resolutions/ Proclamations
1.First Baptist Church Donation
2.Art in the Capitol Award
3.Golden School Awards
4.Five Star School Awards
F.Public Hearing
G.Public Forum- (Request to address the School Board regarding an item not on the agenda)
Administrative Agenda
H.Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent
1.Human Resource items
a.Administrative AgendaAddendum Added
b.Temporary Duty and Leave
c.19-20 Annual Inspections
2.Curriculum/Instruction Items
b.Student Reassignment Requests
c.School Volunteers - Level 1Changed
d.Level 2 Volunteers for Approval
3.Financial Items
a.Budget Amendment #19/04, Bills/Payroll and Monthly Financial Statement for December 2019Changed
4.Administrative Operational Items
a.Religious Venue Requests
b.Facility Use Requests
c.Field Trip RequestsChanged
Action Agenda
I.Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services
1.Exceed the Limit 031020
2.Surplus 031020
3.RFP 18-01 Transportation Management Services Bilateral Modification 031020
4.Transportation Quarterly ReportAdded Late
5.SRCDS Pandemic Plan
6.DAG Agenda Items
7.McKim & Creed Agenda Items
8.Conduct Public Meeting and Approve Purchase of 45 Acre Parcel from City of Gulf Breeze for Future Educational FacilitiesChanged
9.Grant Tentative Approval of Agreement to Purchase 75 Acre Parcel for Future Educational Facilities
10.Navarre Park-Marine Science Education Program Lease AgreementAdded Late
11.Facility Name Committee
12.Annual Certification of Facilities Data
13.Direct Purchasing Change Orders
J.Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
1.Action AgendaAddendum Added
K.Curricular and Instructions Recommendation – Bill Emerson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
1.Early Terminations
2.Alternative Placements
3.Educational Services Agreement - CamelotAdded Late
4.FLDOE Computer Science Certification GrantAdded Late
5.Wellness Policy Revision
6.Kindergarten Registration 20/21
7.Drug Screening of Student Athletes (revised)
8.Summer Session 2020
9.Elementary School Supply Lists
L.Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance
M.Information Technology Services Recommendations – David Hicks, Assistant Superintendent for Information Technology Services
N.Items from Board Members
O.Items from Board Attorney
P.Items from Superintendent
1.Settlement - Santa Rosa School Board and Durham School Services
(If a person decides to appeal any decision made by this board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for that purpose he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.)