Item Coversheet

Santa Rosa County District Schools

Submitted By:Patti McKnight, Director of Federal Programs

Curriculum/ Instruction
Action Agenda

Title of Item:75-07-10 Santa Rosa County District Grant Synopsis ARP ESSER Supplemental Programming 23A238

Every department in the district was involved in examining data, talking to administrators, and reaching out to parents to determine what we have done well and what still needs to be done to help students accelerate through the learning gap caused by COVID 19.  You will see projects that target transitional grades in math and science, integrated language learning and course recovery summer camps for ELL students, traditional course recovery courses for middle and high school students to meet graduation requirements, project based and standards-based career learning camps, and STEAM, music, and art camps at elementary, middle, and high school.  The goal of this opportunity is to open the door for ALL students to reengage fully in schools. 

Recommendation/Action Requested:

Financial Impact:
A-Funds required from School Board?No
B-Amount required
C-Grant/Project Synopsis attached?Yes
D-Date Grant/Project Reviewed/Approved by Accountant:

Legal Review
Does item require legal review?No
If Yes, Approval Date

Dobbs, MyraApproved12/1/2022 - 10:25 AM
DescriptionUpload DateType
ARP ESSER Supplemental Programming – 23A23811/23/2022Synopsis