Item Coversheet

Santa Rosa County District Schools

Submitted By:Jeffery Baugus

Curriculum/ Instruction
Action Agenda

Title of Item:FLDOE Computer Science Certification Grant
Description/Introduction:The purpose of the Computer Science Certification Grant is to provide funding for training for secondary teachers to obtain a K-12 Computer Science certification. Participating teachers will receive a stipend and will receive intensive computer science PD and study aids over the following months in preparation for taking the certification exam.
Recommendation/Action Requested:Approval of grant amendment submission.

Financial Impact:
A-Funds required from School Board?Yes
B-Amount required$106,731 (reimbursed by grant upon completion)
C-Grant/Project Synopsis attached?Yes
D-Date Grant/Project Reviewed/Approved by Accountant:2/19/20

Legal Review
Does item require legal review?No
If Yes, Approval Date

Baugus, JefferyApproved3/3/2020 - 3:36 PM
AnswererApproved3/3/2020 - 3:43 PM
DescriptionUpload DateType
Grant Synopsis for FLDOE Computer Science Certifcation Grant 19-203/3/2020Cover Memo