Item Coversheet

Santa Rosa County District Schools

Submitted By:David Hicks

Information Technology Services
Action Agenda

Title of Item:Renaissance MOU

The Star Linking Project is an assessment analysis tool. Renaissance Learning has already signed a Student Privacy agreement.

Recommendation/Action Requested:Requesting approval for MOU with Renaissance for the Star Linking Project.

Financial Impact:
A-Funds required from School Board?No
B-Amount required
C-Grant/Project Synopsis attached?No
D-Date Grant/Project Reviewed/Approved by Accountant:

Legal Review
Does item require legal review?No
If Yes, Approval Date

Pattullo, MelanieApproved12/4/2019 - 4:00 PM
DescriptionUpload DateType
Renaissance MOU for Florida Upper Grades Linking Project - Santa Rosa11/27/2019Exhibit