July 9, 2015-9:00 AM

A.Call to Order and Roll Call

The School Board of Santa Rosa County met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. with the following members present:  Mr. Hugh Winkles, Chairman, Mrs. Jennifer Granse, Vice-Chairman, Dr. Diane Scott, Mr. Scott Peden and Mrs. Carol Boston.  Also present was Timothy S. Wyrosdick, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary and Paul R. Green, Board Attorney.
B.Pledge of Allegiance

The Chairman called the meeting to order and Superintendent Wyrosdick asked Jud Crane to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and in a moment of silence.


C.Approval of Minutes
1.School Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2015
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
D.Oral Written Communications

Mr. Wyrosdick welcomed a couple of boy scouts who are in attendance at this morning's board meeting. 

F.Public Hearing

G.Public Forum- (Request to address the School Board regarding an item not on the agenda)

The Chairman opened the floor for the public forum and asked if anyone wanted to address the Board regarding any item not on the agenda.  There was no response and the forum was closed.


Administrative Agenda
H.Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
The Board approved Administrative Agenda Items H. 1, 2, and 3 as submitted.
1.Human Resource items
a.Personnal Board Agenda
b.Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty
2.Curriculum/Instruction Items
a.Student Transfer Requests
3.Administrative Operational Items
a.Field Trip Requests
Action Agenda
I.Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services

J.Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
1.Human Resource Action Agenda
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.

The board approved the administrative appointment of Amanda Leddy, as Assistant Principal, Milton High School, effective July 10, 2015.



K.Curricular and Instructions Recommendation – Bill Emerson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
1.Alternative Placements
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.

The Chairman asked if anyone wanted to address the Board regarding any of the expulsion/alternative placements.


Mrs. Cindy Cartwright came forward to address the expulsion of student #A15-0231-37.  Mrs. Cartwright asked the board for leniency for her son and to allow him to stay in his current school.  He is a good student, makes good grades and has never been in trouble.  He made a mistake which his parents are taking care of at home but she believes everyone desires a second chance and would like him to remain in his present school.  She planned to bring him to the meeting before she realized  it was a public meeting and he is a minor.  He asked her to express his apology for his behavior and would like the opportunity to stay at his school.


Mr. Wyrosdick thanked her for attending the meeting this morning on behalf of her son.  He appreciates her concern for her son.  Making these discipline choices are hard, Mr. Winkles said on the parents, school board members, superintendent and principals.  He mentioned that there may be an opportunity for her son to return to his school earlier than one year and asked Mr. Wyrosdick to explain the policy.   Mr. Wyrosdick said board policy allows them to make a recommendation for early return to their home school, provided their behavior, grades and attendance are good while they are attending the Learning Academy,.


The board approved the alternative placements/expulsions as submitted.


2.Sims Middle School Supply List 2015-16
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
3.UWF 15-16 Cooperative Agreement
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  4 - 0.
Dr. Scout asked to abstain from voting on this item due to her employment with the University of Florida.

Dr. Scott recuise
4.University of West Florida Tutor/Mentor Agreement 2015-2016
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  4 - 0.
Dr. Scott asked to abstain from voting on this item due to employment with the University of West Florida.
5.Discovery Education Assessment 2015-2016
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
6.YEA! Entrepreneurship Agreement
Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
Dr. Scott asked which Chamber we will  be partnering with?  Mrs. Knight responded that we will partner with the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce.
7.Equity Report to DOE
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
8.CDAC 15-16 Contract
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
9.Annual Guidance Report
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.
L.Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance

M.Items from Board Members
1.Alternate Director to serve on Florida School Board Association Board of Directors

Mrs. Jennifer Granse volunteered to serve as Alternative Director (Representing District 1) on the Florida School Board Association.


N.Items from Board Attorney
1.Private Attorney - Client Session (Discuss Pending Litigation Pursuant To Section 286.011 (8), 2014 Florida Statutes)

Mr. Green requested a closed session with the School Board pursuant to FS 286.011(8) to discuss litigation to which the School Board is a party.  Reasonable public notice of the closed session has been given by newspaper publication.  Persons that will be attending are:

Hugh Winkles, Jenny Granse, Scott Peden, Diane Scott and Carol Boston.  The Superintendent, Tim Wyrosdick, Paul R. Green, General Counsel, Wesley Bowden, Special Council from Levin, Papantonio Law Firm and Melissa Odom, Court Reporter from Associated Court Reporting.


The Chairman granted the attorneys request and the board meeting was temporarily closed. 


O.Items from Superintendent

The Chairman reopened the public meeting and announced the closed session has terminated.


The board approved the Superintendent's recommendation to accept the offer of settlement as was presented during the closed session.   Also, the board approved authorizing Mr. Wyrosdick to execute on behalf of the board members any documents relative to the settlement and due to confidentially refer any questions about the settlement to Mr. Paul Green, General Counsel for the board.  





Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of  5 - 0.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


DONE AND ORDERED IN LEGAL SESSION by the School Board of Santa Rosa County this 9th day of July, 2015 A.D.


                                                            SCHOOL BOARD OF

                                                           SANTA ROSA COUNTY




                                                          Chairman of the Board






Superintendent of Schools