June 25, 2015-6:30 PM

A.Call to Order and Roll Call

The School Board of Santa Rosa County met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present:  Mr. Hugh Winkles, Chairman, Dr. Diane Scott and Mrs. Carol Boston.  Mrs. Jennifer Granse and Mr. Scott Peden were unable to attend the meeting due to family emergencies.
B.Pledge of Allegiance

The Chairman called the meeting to order and Superintendent Wyrosdick asked David Gunter, Middle School Director, to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and in a moment of silence.


C.Approval of Minutes
Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
1.School Board Minutes from the June 11, 2015 Meeting
D.Oral Written Communications

Mr. Wyrosdick shared with the board he is working with the Board of County Commissioners to schedule a fall workshop together with our consultant to look at ways we can manage the county growth. 

F.Public Hearing
1.Conduct Public Hearing and Approve 2015-2016 School Choice Plan
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
The Chairman opened the floor for the public hearing on the 2015-16 School Choice Plan and asked if anyone wanted to address the board.  There was no response and the public hearing was closed.
2.Conduct Public Hearing and Approve 2015-2016 Code of Student Conduct
Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
The Chairman opened the floor for the public hearing on the 2015-16 Code of Student Conduct and asked if anyone wanted to address the board.  There was no response and the public hearing was closed.
G.Public Forum- (Request to address the School Board regarding an item not on the agenda)

The Chairman opened the floor for the public forum and asked if anyone wanted to address the Board regarding any item not on the agenda.  There was no response and the forum was closed.
Administrative Agenda
H.Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
Board approved Action Agenda Items I. 1,2,3, and 4 as submitted.
1.Human Resource items
a.Personnel Board Agenda
b.Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty
2.Curriculum/Instruction Items
a.Student Reassignment Requests
3.Financial Items
a.Budget Amendment #16-09, Bills and Payroll, and Monthly Financial Statement for May 2015
4.Administrative Operational Items
a.Facility Use Requests
Action Agenda
I.Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services
1.Transportation Quarterly Report 062515

Mr. Bagby, Durham School Services came forward to present the Transportation Quarterly Report.   His agenda is going to cover the Year in Review, their Summer Schedule and Going Forward.


Durham's message to parents and the community:  Durham's priority is getting your children to school:  1.  Safe  2. On-Time  3. Ready to Learn


Durham has released their Durham Bus Tracker app "Where's my bus?"  They have been contacted by neighboring districts asking questions about the new app.  There seems to be a lot of interest in the application.  Parents can track the location of their child's bus with the proper student I.D.


He was proud to announce that when they did a tire survey, they had 247 buses with 1,482 tires and had only one tire failure to report.   Durham provided a empty bus and parked it at Hardee's to be used for their customers to fill with school supplies for our students.  Thank you to Hardees and Durham for providing students with much needed supplies.  Durham provided two chartered trips to area colleges for homeless high school students; four emerging scholars charter trips; the Navarre Fun Feast shuttle service; Blue Knights: non-profit fraternal organization of active and retired law enforcement officers "Wreaths Across America;" Black Hawk Memorial Fundraiser  and various other Charity Benefits.


In 2014 total mileage on buses was 3,730,680.  In 2015 it was 3,393,000 (-337,680).  They used 42,210 less gallons of diesel fuel at approximately $2.00/gal $84,000 + saved by eliminating deadspots (driving buses to and from parking area or to the start of their routes).


During 2012/13 school year Durham had 63 preventable accidents, in 2013/14 they had 45 (29% decrease from previous school year), and in 2014/15 they had 37 preventable accidents (18% decrease from previous year and 42% decrease over two years). 


Durham's summer schedule is as follows: June 1-30 they will be washing and cleaning the entire fleet of buses.  Some buses will be used for Summer School various times between June 8 and July 30.  Classroom Training for new coaches will take place June 1-5 (Milton/Pace), June 8-10 (Navarre), Jul 13-17 (Milton/Pace) and July 27-31 (Milton/Pace).

Classroom Training for new applicants (Milton, Navarre & Pace) will take place June 15-17, June 29 - July 1, July 6-8, and Jul 20-22.  S.T.A.R. Training is scheduled for Jun 8-12; Behind the Wheel Training June 22-August 7; Startup Meetings August 10-12; ESE Training August 10-14, Dry Run is scheduled for August 13, and school starts August 17th.


 Mr. Bagby showed a short video taken from inside buses that were involved in side collisions to emphasize how important it is that students use the seat belts installed.  Seat Belt use is mandated by the State of Florida.  It is going to take a collaborative effort to make this happen.  Students will be told to fasten their seat belts, they will be reminded to fasten their seat belts, the third time a referral will be written for non-compliance and provided to school administration.  He is asking for our Principals to back them up when they receive these referrals.


Durham plans to emphasize seat belt use this year, they plan to add three additional hires (bench monitors) and maintain a 120% staffing ratio.  He reported that all air conditioners are working, all tires are in good condition and all buses will be clean. EPA regulations only allow buses to idle 8 minutes and with all the opening and closing of the doors, buses cannot stay as cool as most people would like.  It is Florida, it is summer time and it will be hot.


Mr. Bagby asked if the board had any questions for him.  Dr. Scott mentioned she heard that elementary students tend to put on and use their seat belts much more readily than middle and high school students.  Mr. Bagby confirmed that was true.


The board and Mr. Wyrosdick thanked him for his presentation.








2.DAG Architects Agenda Items
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The board approved the request from DAG for a change order for a 10 day extension to the contract due to delays related to weather/testing at King Middle School - Kitchen Renovation/Addition.



Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The board approved awarding the bid for the Central School - Locker Room and Gym Renovation to A. E. New, Jr., Inc. as the lowest and best at a total cost of $1,089,000.


The board reviewed the status of the current DAG construction projects.

3.Pinder Martin Agenda Items

The board reviewed the status of the current Pinder-Martin construction projects.


4.Direct Purchasing Change Orders
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The board approved the following change orders decreasing the projects payable below to the appropriate contractor by the amounts shown.  These decreases are to reflect recent payments made to suppliers and the associated tax savings acquired through direct purchasing.

*Gulf Breeze High School - Chiller Plant Phase II, A. E. New Jr. $12,909.83

*Hobbs Middle School - Kitchen/Cafeteria/Bus Ramp/Parking, A. E. New Jr., $4,812.40

*King Middle School - Kitchen/Cafeteria, A. E. New Jr., $15,466.84

*Navarre High School - Technology Lab, A. E. New Jr., $44,313.45


5.Schmidt Consulting Agenda Items
Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The board approved the request for Gulf Breeze High School HVAC Renovation Phase III.


The board reviewed the status of the current Schmidt Consulting construction project at Gulf Breeze High School.

J.Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
1.Human Resource Action Agenda
Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The board approved the following job description:

*Student System Help Desk/Data Liaison



Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The board approved the administrative appointment of Laura Austin, as Principal of Santa Rosa Blended Academy, effective July 1, 2015.



Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
The board approved the administrative appointment of Nadia Colin as Assistant Principal of West Navarre Intermediate School effective July 1, 2015.
K.Curricular and Instructions Recommendation – Bill Emerson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
1.Early Terminations
Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
The board approved the early student terminations as submitted. 
2.Alternative Placements
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The Chairman asked  if anyone wanted to address the Board regarding any of the expulsions/alternative placements.   There was no response.  


The board approved the alternative placement/expulsion as presented.

3.Request to run Notification in print media
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

The board approved running notification in print media of non-discrimination policy.  Florida
DOE equity update requires public notification of non-discrimination policy and contact persons prior to the start of each new school year.


4.Title III, Supplementary Instructional Support for English Language Learners
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.




5.University of West Florida Tutor/Mentor Agreement 2015-2016

The University of West Florida Tutor/Mentor Agreement 2015-16 will be tabled until the next board meeting.
6.Flight Adventure Deck Budget for 2014-2015
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
7.Early Learning Coalition 2015-15 TAPP Contract
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
8.UWF 15-16 Cooperative Agreement

The University of West Florida 2015-16 Cooperative Agreement will be tabled until the next school board meeting.
9.Milton Center (TAPP) 15-16 Contract
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
10.PSA 15-16 Contract
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
11.Virtual Contracts, 2015-16
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
12.Electronic Communication Policy
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
13.Student Acceptable Use Policy
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
14.Employee Acceptable Use Policy
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
15.Non-Employee Acceptable Use Policy
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
16.Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
17.Early Head Start/Head Start Monthly Report for May 2015

The board reviewed the Early Head Start/Head Start Monthly Report for May, 2015.
L.Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance
1.Carr, Riggs & Ingram LLC
Motion to Approve was moved by Carol Boston, Seconded by Diane Scott. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.
M.Items from Board Members
1.Alternate Director to serve on Florida School Board Association Board of Directors

Choosing the Alternate Director to serve on the Florida School Board Association Board of Directors will be tabled until the next school board meeting.
N.Items from Board Attorney

O.Items from Superintendent

Multiple documents are passed out to students at the beginning of each school year.  Mr. Wyrosdick shared with the board that we are going to be able to make many of our larger documents, such as the Code of Student Conduct, Pupil Progression Plan, etc. available via

digital access and provide a printed copy if needed.   

Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Scott, Seconded by Carol Boston. Motion Passed by a Vote of  3 - 0.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


DONE AND ORDERED IN LEGAL SESSION by the School Board of Santa Rosa County this 25th day of June, 2015 A. D


SCHOOL BOARD OF               











Superintendent of Schools