July 31 2014-6:30 PM

A. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board of Santa Rosa County met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present:  Mr. Hugh Winkles, Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Diane Coleman, Mr. Scott Peden and Mrs. Jennifer Granse.  Dr. Diane Scott was unable to attend.  Also present was Timothy S. Wyrosdick, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary and Paul R. Green, Board Attorney.
B.Pledge of Allegiance
The Chairman called the meeting to order and Superintendent Wyrosdick asked Mr. Wes Underwood to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and in a moment of silence.
C.Approval of Minutes
1.Approval of SB Workshop Minutes July 24, 2014
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

2.Approval of 7-24-14 School Board Meeting Minutes
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

D.Oral Written Communications
Mr. Wyrosdick introduced Jeremy Cantor, a student who attends Pace High School.  He is here tonight working on his Boy Scout Eagle Badge.  He will be observing how the board meeting is conducted.  

Mr. Wyrosdick shared a memo received from Books-a-Million informing us that during the month of June they held a book drive to collect books for Santa Rosa County Schools.   Their customers donated over $1,500 in new books for the schools.   Mrs. Beagle confirmed the books have been received and will be distributed to schools for check-out in libraries based on FTE increases or need.  The School Board appreciates what Books-a-Million did and the generosity of their customers.
F.Public Hearing
1.Conduct First Public Hearing and Approve 2014-15 Tentative Millage & Budget
The Chairman opened the floor for the public hearing on the 2014-15 Tentative Millage and Budget and asked if anyone wanted to address the board.  There was no response and the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Approve the Required Local Effort Millage at 5.2950 Mills was moved by Mrs. Coleman.  Seconded by Mr. Peden.  Passed by a Vote of 4 - 0.

Motion to Approve the Basic Discretionary Operating Millage at 0.7480 Mills was moved by Mrs. Granse.  Seconded by Mr. Peden.  Passed by a Vote of 4 - 0.

Motion to Approve the Basic Discretionary Capital Millage at 1.4000 Mills (for a total Millage of 7.443 Mills) was moved by Mr. Peden.  Seconded by Mrs. Coleman.  Passed by a Vote of 4 - 0.

Motion to Approve the total Operating Budget of $199,955,774 and a total budget of all budget parts of $269,999,512 and to hold a final public hearing on the Millage and Budget on September 11, 2014, at 6:30 p.m.  was moved by Mrs. Coleman.  Seconded by Mrs. Granse.  Passed by a Vote of 4 - 0. 

G.Public Forum- (Request to address the School Board regarding an item not on the agenda)
The Chairman opened the floor for the public forum and asked if anyone wanted to address the board regarding any issue not on the agenda.  There was no response and the public forum was closed.
Administrative Agenda
H.Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

Board approved all Administrative Agenda items H. 1 through 2 as submitted.
1.Human Resource items
a.Administrative Personnel Board Agenda
b.Unpaid Leave and Out of State Temporary Duty
2.Curriculum/Instruction Items
a.Student Reassignment Requests
Action Agenda
I.Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services
1.Exceed the Limit 073114
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

2.Food Service Quarterly Presentation
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Leslie Bell, Sodexo came forward to present the Food Service quarterly update.   

Ms. Bell began by sharing the Nutrient Standards for sides and snacks.  The law that governs the standards for side and/or snacks is in effect now.  She shared with the board that additional information on the required standards can be found on Sodexo's web site and the USDA web site.

In June, during their Summer Food Program, Sodexo fed appropriately 1,000 children per day through their "Lunch in the Park" providing free meals for kids 18 and under.  Weather permitting, they distributed meals at Benny Russell Park, Carpenters Park, Lucille Johnson Park, Patriot Park, Russell Harbor, Optimist Park, Floridatown Park and Santa Villa Park.

Annually, Sodexo conducts a Principal survey.  The results are collected by Sodexo corporate office and used to improve services to the school district and to recognize Food Service Staff for high performance.  Principal surveys have resulted in 25 schools receiving 5 stars (Gold) and 6 schools receiving 4 stars (Silver).

Ms. Bell reviewed the number of accidents in 2012-13 to the number in 2013-14.  During 2012-13 the district had 14 incidents/accidents that required first aid or medical attention.  During 2014-15  seven incidents were reported that required first aid only.  Santa Rosa was one of four district in the Southeast territory to have zero accidents that required medical attention.

Coming soon - Street EATZ Vans.  Ms. Bell explained a van is currently under construction that will be used in the fall at our high schools, after school practices and community events.  Sodexo hosted a recipe tasting a few weeks ago so they could test some of their recipes and get input before they decide what to serve in the vans.  They hope to incorporate the high schools mascots and other graphics on the van. 

She asked if the board had any questions.  The board thanked her for her presentation.
3.DAG Architects Agenda Items
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

The board approved the Phase III documents for the King Middle School kitchen renovation/addition. 

The board reviewed the status of the current Dag Architects construction projects.
4.Pinder Martin Agenda Items
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

The board approved awarding the Hobbs Middle School - Kitchen Expansion bid to A. E. New as the lowest and best at $1,663,000.

The board reviewed the status of Pinder-Martin Associates, Inc. current construction projects.
J.Human Resource Recommendation- Lewis Lynn Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
1.Human Resource Action Agenda
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

K.Curricular and Instructions Recommendation – Bill Emerson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
1.Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement - Pen. State College
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

2.Instructional Leadership and Faculty Development Grant
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

3.Professional Development System/Master Inservice Plan
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

4.District Issued Vocational Teacher Certification
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

5.Attendance Proposal
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

Mr. Wyrosdick asked David Johnson to come forward and explain the attendance proposal.  Mr. Johnson began by stating that with our Data Processing Department's help, attendance kept popping up as a problem when studies of student's who were not proficient in reading, math and science and/or had behavior problems.  Data shows that 1,074 (9%) of our 11,480 elementary students had missed 10% of the school year.  260 of 1,880 (14%) of Kindergarten students had missed 10% of the school year.   Secondary student attendance showed 1,570 of 13,224 (12%) had missed 10% of the school year.  The 10% absence is an at-risk indicator for potentially dropping out of school.

Mr. Johnson explained the district would like to put into action the following steps.
First Develop a formal District Attendance Improvement Plan.  The plan would specifically describe procedures to maintain and improve student attendance.  The plan would provide agendas for parent meetings, school resources for counseling, specific data triggers for truancy plans and doctor notes as well as other school-helps. Secondly, initiate a proactive media presence.  Public Service Announcements would be produced to remind and educate our communities on the importance of good school attendance.  Last, provide attendance training for all schools and the development of a tiered attendance MTSS process and stressing the importance of relationship building in maintaining and/or improving student attendance.  The RTI teams will review and study attendance data to determine what is working and what isn't.

The district proposes public service announcements for a period of 10 weeks at the beginning of the school year - beginning August 11 and running through Oct. 7th.  Cumulus Media (Radio) will run PSA's for free on NASH FM 102.7 (EXBM), Soft Rock 94.1, Magic 106.1, Jet 100.7 and News Talk 1370 WCOA.   Channel 3 WEAR) will film at no cost to the district a 30 second Public Service Announcement to be shown during various slots, 3 per week for 10 weeks in the evening, in the mornings, etc.   The cost of airing the PSA is $17,850.00.  Mr. Peden asked if we would own the PSA and Mr. Johnson indicated that we would.

Mr. Johnson explained that this isn't going to be a one year fix.  We hope to see improvements each year, but the real changes will occur in 10-11 years when our students reach high school.    Mrs. Coleman asked about the feasibly of joining our neighboring counties in getting this information out to parents because they are probably having the same problems we are.  Mr. Johnson said he would contact his counterpart in the neighboring counties and see if they are interested.

The overall goal of this proposal is to increase student time in the classroom.

The Superintendent requested approval of the Attendance Proposal and the request for $17,850 to fund the television airing of our Public Service Announcements.
6.Food Allergy Guidelines 2014-15
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

L.Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

M.Items from Board Members
N.Items from Board Attorney
O.Items from Superintendent
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

        DONE AND ORDERED IN LEGAL SESSION by the School Board of Santa Rosa County this 31st day of July, 2014 A. D. 

                                                                    SCHOOL BOARD OF
                                                                    SANTA ROSA COUNTY

                                                                    Chairman of the Board

Superintendent and Secretary