April 24 2014-5:00 PM

A. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board of Santa Rosa County met in regular session at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present:  Dr. Diane Scott, Chairman, Mr. Hugh Winkles, Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Diane Coleman, Mr. Scott Peden and Mrs. Jennifer Granse.  Also present was Timothy S. Wyrosdick, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary and Paul R. Green, Board Attorney.
B.Pledge of Allegiance
The Chairman called the meeting to order and Mr. Wyrosdick led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and in a moment of silence.
C.Approval of Minutes
1.March 13, 2014 School Board Meeting Minutes
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Dr. Scott noted that she abstained from voting on Item J. 1. f.  during the March 13th board meeting due to her employment with the University of West Florida and requested that be reflected in the vote.
D.Oral Written Communications
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

The Superintendent shared with the board the Florida Board of Education plans on having their May meeting here in our district on May 20th beginning at 8:30 a.m. 

Mr. Wyrosdick offered his congratulations to Dr. Diane Scott on her full professorship at the University of West Florida.
1.Cooper Foundation - Technology Funding
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Mr. Wyrosdick shared the good news with the board the receipt of the LW Cooper Foundation Fund grant in the amount of $70,000.00 to be used for purchasing classroom technology.
1.Sandy Sansing Spelling Bee Winner
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Mr. David Gunter recognized Shayla Ides from Gulf Breeze Middle School as the 1st place winner of the 2014 Sandy Sansing Spelling Bee - Middle School Division.  Shayla was unable to be here this evening.  Mr. Richard Cobb, Principal of Gulf Breeze Middle School accepted the certificate/plaque on her behalf.
2.GBMS 2014 Science Olympiad State Competition Results
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Mr. Wes Underwood, Coordinator of Math and Science presented Ms. Sherry Barber with certificates to take back to the schools and present to the students who participated in the Gulf Breeze Middle School 2014 Science Olympiad State Competition.   Unfortunately the students and the other coach could not be here this evening because of a Kick Ball Tournament.  Mr. Underwood thanked both Ms. Barber and Mr. Smith for their hard work with the students.  Team I placed 3rd, Team 2 placed 5th, Team 3 placed 12th and Team 4 placed 23rd  in the competition held at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida.
3.2014 SRCDS A-Team Recognition
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Mr. Wes Underwood presented four members of the 2014 Santa Rosa County District Schools Academic Team with Certificates of Recognition as participants in the 29th Commissioner's Academic Challenge.  The four members are:  English category, Kallie Callaway, Central High School, Social Studies, Noa Grooms, Navarre High School, Mathematics, Skyler Singleton and Science, Camille Adkison, Gulf Breeze High School.   He thanked Charlene Kincaid who worked with them as Co-Coach.
4.Academic Team State Champion Recognition
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Mr. Buddy Hinote, High School Director asked Jason Weeks, the Principal of Gulf Breeze High to come forward.   Mr. Hinote and Mr. Weeks presented the Boys Basketball team and the Girls Weightlifting teams with the Academic Team State Champion Recognition.  Mr. Weeks shared with the audience the Boys Basketball team had a GPA of 3.53 and the Girls Weightlifting had a GPA of 3.65.   Representative from the Boys Basketball team was Mark Dunce.  Mark will be attending the U.S. Military Academy in the fall.  On behalf of the Girls Weightlifting team was  Coach Christie Marcilliat.   Her team players had other obligations this evening and could not attend the board meeting.
5.2013 STAR Superintendent Award
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Mr. Wyrosdick was presented with a certificate designating him as a nominee for the 2013 STAR Superintendent Award.  This award was presented to him by the Consortium of Florida Educational Foundations.  Mary Kara Rich, SREF Chair and Cathy Purdon, Executive Director presented the certificate to him.
6.Recognition of Health Dept Nurses & School Health Techs
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Ms. Sherry Smith, Director of Student Services shared with the board members the following statistics.    Our School Health Techs with Pediatric Services, through March of this school year, have had 77,310 visits by students, medications were given 26,176 times, First Aid was given 5,857 times and  65,180 students were returned to the classroom after services.  Ms. Smith wanted to recognize our Health Techs and our Health Department nurses for all they do for the students and school system.  She asked Angela Lay, Pediatric Services and Debbie Price, Santa Rosa County Health Department to come forward as she shared that just in the month of August, our 10 county Health nurses reviewed 740 student records, conducted 120 school visits, wrote up 346 health plans, 815 consults and 524 immunizations.  During the school year they have conducted 7,748 vision screenings, 5,856 hearing screenings, 2,047 scoliosis screenings and 5,873 BMI.

In February, the school district underwent a Programmatic Monitoring (audit) of our Health Program by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Community Health.   Debra Barber and Ernest Brewton reviewed lots of information including our health procedures, health clinic records, final screening reports, 3 year data comparison worksheets, annual school report, school health service plans, financial reports and observation and records reviews at four of our schools.  They included Avalon Middle School, Holley Navarre Primary, Bennett C. Russell Elementary and Jay High School.   Ms. Barber complimented our Health Techs and our Health Department nurses and even our administration for working so well together.  She read the following sentence from their final School Health Program Summary Report "Collaboration between the DOH-Santa Rosa, SRSD and PCA was evidenced by the amount of representation from each entity throughout the monitoring process; from entrance to exit." 

The board thanked Ms. Lay, Ms. Price and Ms. Smith for the hard work they do to help protect the health of our students.
F.Public Hearing
1.Request to advertise public hearing on the 2014-2015 Student Code of Conduct
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

The board approved advertising for a public hearing on the 2014-15 Student Code of Conduct to be conducted on June 26, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
G.Public Forum- (Request to address the School Board regarding an item not on the agenda)
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

The Chairman opened the floor for the public forum and asked if anyone wanted to address the board regarding any item not on the agenda.  There was no response and the forum was closed.
Administrative Agenda
H.Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

The board approved agenda items H. 1, 2, 3 and 4 as submitted.
1.Human Resource items
a.Administrative Personnel Board Agenda
b.Leaves: Without Pay, Illness In Line Of Duty, Military Leave; Out-Of-State Temporary Duty Requests
c.Educational Support Substitutes
d.Annual Fire and Life Safety Inspections
2.Curriculum/Instruction Items
a.Reassignment/Transfer Requests
c.School Volunteers
3.Financial Items
a.Budget Amendment #14/06, Bills and Payroll, and Monthly Financial Statement for Feb. 2014
4.Administrative Operational Items
a.Change of Venue
b.Facility Use Requests
c.Field Trip Requests
Action Agenda
I.Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services
1.Exceed the Limit 042414
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

2.Surplus 042414
Motion to Approve was moved by Hugh Winkles, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Dr. Scott asked if the scales and computers she noticed on the list were left over from the wellness program.  Ms. Lambeth responded they were.  The equipment was in good shape and it is expected they will sell well at the surplus sale.
3.Property Inventory Audit 042414
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Ms. Patricia Petrie accepted $238,962.00 of controlled property located in the Language Arts Department.
4.Food Service Quarterly Update
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Chris Archangel, Sodexo came forward to present the quarterly food service update.  Ms. Scott asked him to report on today's activities first.  Chris shared with the board that Sodexo served 500 pizzas today for the students at Milton High School for Bubba Watson's visit to the school.  They were able to do this on short notice and discovered they could make 125 pizzas an hour when needed. 

Mr. Archangel began his report by highlighting several items, beginning with National School Breakfast Week, March 3rd to March 7th.   Sodexo wanted to emphasize the importance of breakfast and schools decorated their cafeterias with themes "take time for breakfast."

Mr. Bill McMahon, Sodexho reported on the Future Chef Culinary Competition held March 27th at Benny Russell Elementary.  He thanked the judges for their help - , Pam Smith, Joey Harrell, Jud Crane, Dr. Scott and last year's Future Chef winner Isiah King.  He also thanked Ms. Godwin and her staff at Benny Russell and David Johnson who served as Chairman.  There were six top recipes judged and the winner was Tyler White, S. S. Dixon Intermediate with his "Holy Guacamole" sandwich.

Mr. Archangel shared the results of the Safety First audits conducted by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) at Gulf Breeze Elementary, Jay, Central, Avalon Middle, King Middle and Woodlawn Beach Middle.  Food Service received 9 Superior Scores and two Green Scores which means the schools averaged a 98.8 score.

The board thanked Chris and Bill for their report.


5.DAG Architects Agenda Items
Motion to Approve was moved by Hugh Winkles, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

The board approved the following change orders:
Chumuckla Elementary School Kitchen/Cafeteria/Music/Art Rom Addition (Larry Hall Construction)
1.  Additional site work required by Northwest Florida Water Management District - $1755.00
2.  Install 2" conduit from Room 235 to data rack and 3" conduit from new to existing data rack -    $7312.00
3.  Install power to DDC controller panels in mechanical room - $391.00
4.  Relocate existing unknown water line (conflict with new mechanical room footing) $2,237.16
5.  Other modifications relating to water line relocation - $2,837.00
6.  Relocate existing inspector test piping to exterior of building - $795.00
7.  Rain days 27 1/2
8.  Additional 14 days (extension) for the above work
Total Change Order No. 9 - $15,327.16

The board reviewed the status of the current Dag Architects construction projects.

6.Pinder Martin Agenda Items
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

The board reviewed the status of the current Pinder-Martin Associates, Inc. construction jobs.
7.Direct Purchasing Change Orders
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

The board approved the following Direct Purchasing Change Orders decreasing the projects payable below to the appropriate contractor by the amounts shown.  These decreases are to reflect recent payments made to suppliers and the associated tax savings acquired through direct purchasing.

Chumuckla Elementary - Kitchen Expansion/Cafeteria/Etc.
    *Larry Hall Construction

Dixon Intermediate - Kitchen Expansion/Cafeteria Renovation
    *Larry Hall Construction

Jay High - Kitchen/Cafeteria/Band/Chorus/Demo Bldg 1
    *R. D. Ward Construction

Milton High - Science Labs
    *A. E. New, Jr.
8.Prequalification of Educational Facility Contractors
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

The board approved Vision Construction Ent., Inc. as a certified educational facility contractor.
9.Disaster Food Stamp Program
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

The board approved the request from the State of Florida Department of Children and Families to utilize W. H. Rhodes Elementary School as a site to issue Disaster Food Stamps in the event of a major catastrophe.
J.Human Resource Recommendation- Lewis Lynn Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
1.Human Resource Action Agenda
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. I. 1. Addendum
The board approved the administrative appointment of Richard Cobb, as Director of Community Schools, effective June 4, 2014.
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. I. 2. Addendum
The board approved the administrative appointment of Maria LaDoucer from Interim Principal to Principal of Locklin Technical Center, effective April 25, 2014.
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. II. B. l.  Addendum
The board approved the temporary employee reassignment to the Professional Development Center effective April 22, 2014 as submitted.
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. II. A. April 24, 2014
The board reviewed and approved the unapproved leaves as submitted.
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. II. B. 1. April 24, 2014
The board approved the employee suspension without pay (effective April 25,28,29,30, May 1) as submitted.
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. III. April 24, 2014
The board approved the reformatted/revised Job Descriptions as submitted.
Motion to Approve was moved by Hugh Winkles, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. IV. 1 and 2. April 24, 2014
The board approved the motion to terminate employees as submitted.
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

Item J. V. April 24, 2014
The Superintendent shared with the board this was a issue that was cited in our last audit and we have clarified the guidelines giving more direction to employees.  This is for board review only.
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. VI. April 24, 201 and Item J. III. Addendum
The board approved the Human Resource Procedures Manual (Revision) as submitted.
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

Item J. VII. April 24, 2014
The board approved the revisions to the 2013-14 Staffing Plan.
K.Curricular and Instructions Recommendation – Bill Emerson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
1.Alternative Placements
Motion to Approve was moved by Hugh Winkles, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

2.Learning Academy First Semester Referrals
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

3.Agreement Seminole County School Board
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

4.Champions Agreement
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

5.Agreement with Mixon and Associates, Inc.
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

6.Articulation Agreement - UWF
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
4 - 0.

Dr. Scott recused herself from voting due to her employment at the University of West Florida.
7.Agreement between Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Santa Rosa County for Aerospace Career Academy
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

8.Project Graduation 2014
Motion to Approve was moved by Hugh Winkles, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

9.2nd Semester High School Exam Schedules - 2014
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

10.Summer Session
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

11.2014-2015 Middle School Supply Lists
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

12.Early Head Start/Head Start Monthly Report for March 2014 - Review Only
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

The board reviewed the Early Head Start/Head Start Monthly Report for March, 2014.
L.Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance
1.Jay Oil Revenue
Motion to Approve was moved by Hugh Winkles, Seconded by Scott Peden. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

2.School Based Budget Resolution
Motion to Approve was moved by Jenny Granse, Seconded by Hugh Winkles. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

3.School Based Management Guidelines
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Diane Coleman. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

4.Travel Cap Increases 4-14
Motion to Approve was moved by Scott Peden, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

The board approved increasing the travel cap for Astley Blackwell by $1400.00, Elijah Blackwell by $900.00, Alan Worley by $700.00 and Stephanie Elliott by $850.00. 
M.Items from Board Members
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

N.Items from Board Attorney
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

O.Items from Superintendent
Motion to was moved by , Seconded by . Motion  by a Vote of  0 - 0.

The Superintendent shared with the board that we have gotten as much out of their current laptops as we can.  They are running Windows XP and cannot be updated.  Because Windows is not supporting XP any longer, there could be the potential of a security breach to our network.   The board will be furnished with network safe equipment to use during the board meetings prior to the next meeting. 

Mr. Wyrosdick also shared what an awesome day it was with the visit from Bubba Watson.  He did an amazing job of addressing our students and we are especially thankful for the tech funds he furnished some of our schools.

1.Strategic Improvement Plan
Motion to Approve was moved by Diane Coleman, Seconded by Jenny Granse. Motion Passed by a Vote of 
5 - 0.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

        DONE AND ORDERED IN LEGAL SESSION by the School Board of Santa Rosa County this 24th day of April, 2014

                                                                            SCHOOL BOARD OF
                                                                            SANTA ROSA COUNTY



Superintendent and Secretary