Item Coversheet

Santa Rosa County District Schools

Submitted By:Karen Retherford

Human Resources
Action Agenda

Title of Item:Florida Blue 2014 Health Screening/PHA Executive Overview
Description/Introduction:The executive summary report for the 2014 health screening and Personal Health Assessment (PHA).  Florida Blue will provide a detailed report to Superintendent and School Board members at the meeting.
Recommendation/Action Requested:For information only.  No action requested. 

Financial Impact:
A-Funds required from School Board?No
B-Amount required
C-Grant/Project Synopsis attached?No
D-Date Grant/Project Reviewed/Approved by Accountant:

Legal Review
Does item require legal review?No
If Yes, Approval Date

AnswererApproved2/26/2015 - 9:11 AM
AnswererApproved2/26/2015 - 9:13 AM