Item Coversheet

Santa Rosa County District Schools

Submitted By:Tim Wyrosdick

Action Agenda

Title of Item:Memorandum of Agreement between 90Works and the Santa Rosa County School District
Description/Introduction:This is an agreement between 90Works and Santa Rosa County School District to work collaboratively to implement the Florida KidCare program, an insurance program for children birth through the age of 18.
Recommendation/Action Requested:Recommend approval

Financial Impact:
A-Funds required from School Board?No
B-Amount required
C-Grant/Project Synopsis attached?No
D-Date Grant/Project Reviewed/Approved by Accountant:

Legal Review
Does item require legal review?No
If Yes, Approval Date

P, MApproved11/11/2014 - 10:41 AM
DescriptionUpload DateType
Copy of MOA with 90Works11/11/2014Cover Memo